Thursday 26 February 2015


Here we are only 8 days out. Whatttt 8 days.OMG So much to do and organise and the days are flying by.
In the mean time we can get excited about some destinations.

Milford Sound New Zealand

ST Johns

San Francisco

Just to name a few. The kids are so excited and so they should be. I mean how many 13 and 15 year olds get to quit school and travel the world because their parents said they had too.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Not long now

The weeks are racing by. There is still so much to do. Soon we will be off and away leaving behind this life as we know it and embarking on our big adventure.

Friday 6 February 2015

Bursting at the seams

Now that we have emptied the contents of the enormous house into the tiny house and sold off some off possessions we are still bursting at the seems. It is impossible to fit all this stuff into our current home. This is stuff that we thought we needed and lived without whilst we lived in Melbourne(remember that tiny 2 bedroom apartment!) for 2 years and continued to live without here in Canberra until we moved it all here.

It's hard to throw stuff out and I have thrown out soooo much. But why do we hang onto stuff that we haven't even seen yet alone used in years? My mission in the next few weeks is to sort further through and winkle it down to just a few boxes. It's such a chore.

Currently sitting on my front porch is a set of bunks, 2 matteress, bookcase, boxes. On back porch is half a brand new kitchen, 2 couches, 2 tables, rocking chair, my lovely chinese cabinet that I bought back from Malaysia, a fridge and on and on. 

The house is chocobloc with stufffff and so is the one car garage. We had a 17x20m shed  WITH a mezzanine level at the "dream house". You can just imagine. It looks like a hoarders paradise. It's all gotta go.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Here we go again

Well here we are again, back on the urban escape. This blog is a follow on on from . As we celebrate the sale of our first urban escape property we are now about to embark on our next journey.


A little back story might help here. In 2009 we decided to quit suburbia in the nations capital, Canberra to purchase a small acreage  on the south coast of NSW and build our dream country property. Cut a long story short, the "dream property" didn't live up to the the idealistic view we had. Yes it was lovely, but things happened and we soon found ourselves living in an apartment in the CBD of Melbourne.
Apartment block, Swanston St Melbourne

 Melbourne was fabulous and wonderful. Soon realising that our life was very different in a very small apartment it dawned on us that a mansion was too big and unnecessary. It was a completely different life and one we enjoyed in the thriving metropolis of Melbourne .

However when the work ended in Melbourne our next port of call was Canberra where we found our selves back in suburbia yet again. As lovely as the Canberra lifestyle is the job wasn't working out. So he (the husband) decided to quit and we were now about to take on the world. 2015 is our year of world travel.

With the "dream house" now SOLD and having successfully gained ourselves a 5 year visa for the UK, the UK is our end destination after going half way around the world.
This is suitcase moving. We are going with nothing, with no idea where we will live or what we will do. Completely CRAZY? Probably But what the hell, It sure beats sitting around wondering what we are going to do with our life.
This blog will catalogue our new adventure. I can't wait to share this with you all .