Tuesday 5 May 2015


Today we visited London and I had to drive through London. The road system here is a little crazy to say the least. The roads are old,narrow and poorly planned for the volume of traffic and I'm glad to say we made it in & out of the city unscathed but a little stressed.
First on the agenda was the London Eye which gave us a birds eye view over the city.
From the London Eye

From here we wandered around passing Westminster Abbey,Number 10 Dowing St (not that you actually get to walk past it),Trafalgar Square,Big Ben and then to Buckingham Palace were we saw some of the Changing of the Guard. The crowds were horrendous, thousands upon thousands of people there,perhaps they were there for the announcement of the new princess' name. It was very very busy.
The weather yet again was perfect,blue skys and the sun shining. We enjoyed our first trip to London.

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