Tuesday 7 April 2015

Cabo San Lucas Mexico

Mexico Cabo San Lucas

Today we arrived in sunny Mexico and once again greeted by a few whales. The landscape is completely different from the tropical paradises we have already visited. This was no surprise however, having lived in Sierra Vista in Arizona, the landscape is very similar. The harbour was a hive of activity with boats, kayaks, standup paddlers, jet ski, birds, sea lions and swimmers. Having realised once we got off the ship that it is American spring break time so there was a lot of American college aged kids around. 

This area was hit by a cat 4 hurricane last September and it was evident that this had happened. The hotels all look remarkably the same. I don’t know if they were re-constructed in haste of if they were there prior to the hurricane. The architecture is rather bland and boring. The shopping area on the marina clearly caters to an American market. There is no authentic looking Mexico here. The menus although had mexican food on them were aimed at the American market too. Starbucks was a feature and even though a didn’t spy the Golden arches I saw rubbish from Macca’s in the gutter. This is the disappointing part of being a tourist looking for an authentic experience of a country.

We walked to the beach in the searing heat. The beach front was full of hawkers trying to sell their wares. However as the hotels are on the beach front they have areas roped off where the hawkers can’t go. Like a lot of beaches there was no shade and we weren’t prepared to “buy “shade in the form of a hired umbrella. So we sat whilst the kids had a quick swim. Harison was stung by a jelly fish so that put an end to his swimming. Then we packed up and walked around a bit before heading back to the tender to take us back to the ship. We saw some dolphins in a marine pool that you could pay an exorbitant  fee to go swimming with.  We witnessed an authentic Mexican tradition of 4 men dressed in Mexican costume climb a very high pole and perform a stunt where they wrap a rope around the top of the pole and them some how unravel the rope and they are hanging off the side and swinging around as they descend to the ground whilst playing mexican type of flute or piccolo. Quite impressive.

On the tender ride back we saw sea lions clinging to the back of small boats in hope of being fed some fish. It was funny to see them launch themselves on the back of the boats. Obviously they do this all the time as the people on the boats fed some fish to them.
We saw some very impressive luxury liners in the marina. Some old money bags had one with it’s own helicopter. Very slick looking piece of marine luxury.

Overall Cabo San Lucas was an interesting place to visit but not some where I would come back to. It didn’t seem to have much to offer that you couldn’t get else where. Not sure why Americans come here as it’s very similar to Southern California, same landscape, same beaches and same food.I guess it’s a whole lot cheaper and their money goes further here.

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