Tuesday 7 April 2015

Days at sea


You may be wondering what we do all day when at sea. Somedays I can’t believe how quickly the day goes by and how I can’t fit in everything into the day that I want to. I usually start the day by walking the deck and listening to podcasts for at least an hour. Some mornings I will go to the gym or I’ll go in the afternoon. Then it’s brekky time. We sometimes eat brekky together or by ourselves depending on what time we all get up. The boys will usually go to the kids club at 10 am, although sometimes Elliott will go to the gym or have a swim. At 11am Elliott goes to an hour long Spanish class that is on every sea day. There may be an interesting talk to go to before lunch. We meet up for lunch usually at 12 or so. The kids do their school work for a few hours. After lunch there could be more talks by guest speakers or a singer or band playing or the theatre show may be on. We spend some time reading or going to the library.  There could be a movie on in the arvo. We have dinner at 6pm and we get all dressed up and head to the restaurant. On black tie night we have a pre-dinner drink and the boys think that’s special having a fancy mock-tail. After dinner it could be a show or a movie. The boys are usually back at the kids club again until 10.30.
Then we do it all again.
Other activities that might entice you are; yoga, art classes, play bridge, trivia quizzes, table tennis comps, golf comps, play tennis, knit and natter, casino, dance classes, choir, board games, sit around the pool and fry yourself (like all the Poms do), go to the spa if you have money to burn, shop if you have any money left over after the spa, drink, eat , drink some more and chat or have a nana nap. There is quite a lot of activities you can be involved in if you choose. The one thing we all do every day a million times over is climb all the bloody stairs. We are on the 5th floor in the middle. The gym is on the 11th, the casual eating is on the 12th rear, the library is on 13th front, kids club 8th rear, theatres and movies 7 & 8th front, restaurant 6th. Walking decks either 7th or 12th. We made a vow not to use the lifts at all. So we don’t and it’s so much quicker anyway than waiting for a lift. It’s great exercise but tedious when you have just come down and then you need to go back up again. And sometimes we run them just for fun!! 

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