Saturday 11 April 2015

Costa Rica

Costa Rica

It’s hard to believe we are in Central America. Today we woke up to find ourselves alongside in Punta Arenas and finally at a beach where we don’t have to walk. But to our disappointment we are advised it’s best not to swim at this beach as the water is polluted.
It is very hot and humid today, we are reasonably close to the equator. 
This little town is the real deal. No tourist shops, no high rise hotels and no Mc Donald's. We ventured into the township and had a walk around. To be honest there wasn’t much to see in terms of attractions. We walked around a few streets and looked at a church and a small gallery and checked out the library. We got a little glimpse into how Costa Ricans live here. It was so damn hot that we didn’t spend a lot of time here only about 2 hours before heading back to the ship. We’ve been told the Costa Rican jungle is spectacular but we didn’t venture out there. Some people did though. Having lived in Malaysia for 2 years we were surrounded by  jungle and monkeys in our backyard so I don’t think we missed out too much.
It was a pleasant visit. The view was lovely from the ship looking out to the mountains. It was a shame about the polluted water as the beach was right where we stopped.

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